to connect people, opportunities, and resources to enrich and enhance the multi-faceted LGBTQia+ community.

our mission


Our vision is rooted in collective liberation.

So we all may live in a place where we belong and thrive.

How do we get there?

our desire is to address the greatest needs that were learned from the 2019 community visioning project by developing impact-oriented initiatives that have a foundation in justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion.

a twist of random colored lines forming into one line for collaboration that radiate into a neon rainbow.  our vision #1: by embracing our lgbtqia+ mission focused, mission adjacent, & community partners in collaborative spaces for collective impact
  • In the 2019 community visioning project, researchers learned that nearly 90% community was desperate for a centralized way to know how to be connected into all of the organizations that serve the lgbtqia+ population, but also to learn how to stay involved and support the work.

    this requires collaboration on the part of our organizations. Collective impact takes us from common goals to uncommon results.

    earlier this month, we launched embrace, with the support of the center for nonprofit management to amplify collaborative efforts with our middle tennessee lgbtqia+ mission focused organizations.

    This work is just starting. we have the desire to build a model that ensures that everyone works together from the same table, in a nonhierarchical manner.

    if you lead an lgbtqia+ organization or work for an organization that has an lgbtqia+ mission-specific program and would like to learn more, please contact us.

special thanks to our founding partners of embrace

do you lead or work with an organization that offers lgbtqia+ programming in middle tennessee or you are looking to bring your program to our region? contact us here.

vision two: to collaborate with affirming agencies in tennessee to co-locate wraparound services and programs for lgbtqia+ young people with a specific focus on 18-24 year olds. [image of young people holding one another below]
  • For the last decade, the LGBTQIA+ movement has made tremendous strides toward equality and inclusion. However, in national, statewide, and local studies, young people report serious and persistent challenges to their safety, happiness, and success.

    Despite these challenges, we continue to hear stories of youth empowerment, resilience, and activism. These stories share a bright hope for the future and demonstrate that LGBTQIA+ youth who are supported and provided proper programming can live full and meaningful lives.

    We envision the creation of services that are collaborative in nature and are co-located in a centralized location for 18-24 year old lgbtqia+ people:

    Ideal programming includes mentorship and job training, affordable housing access, year-round homeless services, developmentally appropriate resources for coming out and thriving, inclusive sexual and reproductive education, respite care, mutual aid support, and evolving advocacy that responds to the political needs of the moment.

by collaborating with affirming agencies in the mid-state to co-locate services, resources, and programming for lgbtqia+ older adults, ages 50+
  • LGBTQIA+ older adults face unique challenges when seeking home- and community-based services, social services, and long term care.

    Many LGBTQIA+ older adults have experienced a lifetime of systematic discrimination and prejudice. Based on their gender, socioeconomic status, race, health and/or sexual minority status, many older adults spent much of their lives without access to the social institutions that would provide them critical support later in life—including access to healthcare, the right to marriage, family, and affirming employment and housing.

    Following the release of the 2019 community visioning report, our friends at fifty forward as well as committed community members began working towards creating social groups and programming for our stonewall generation.

    there is much more work to be done and we are committed to creating unique and memorable opportunities for lgbtqia+ older adults throughout middle tennessee.

    if you want to help fifty forward achieve their mission or help us create new programming for lgbtqia+ older adults, please contact us.

the aging matters documentary produced by our local pbs station, wnpt, is an incredibly important production to understand why we believe this initiative is one of our more important focuses for the years ahead.

watch now

  • click here to email us to be added to our growing database of lgbtqia+ affirming providers.

  • There are a number of solutions available in middle tennessee:

    vanderbilt lgbtq health

    connectus health

    the clinic at my house

    music city prep

  • Eliminating LGBTQIA+ health disparities and enhancing efforts to improve the health of our community is necessary to ensure that we all can thrive. Within our community, there are many resources and affirming healthcare providers, but many respondents of the 2019 community visioning project indicated that they did not know how to access these services or were not aware of the breadth of opportunities available.

    we envision a digital-first healthcare navigation model that allows members of our community who live throughout the mid-state (and eventually Tennessee) to have the ability to access a comprehensive fully vetted list of affirming doctors, specialists, therapists, and more from one place.

    this is also an effort that will continue to grow and will take time to build. interested in supporting this work? contact board members del ray zimmerman and olivia blake, here.

  • the 2019 community visioning project informed us that 84% of lgbtqia+ people in the region believed that the creation of a centralized, safe space (away from nightlife) for the LGBTQIA+ community should be a top priority.

    this included a desire for a wide range of programming-including social and recreational activities, arts and culture, health and wellness, legal services, and policy and advocacy for community members.

    Community centers that thrive are those that regularly engage folx to determine their desired services and tailor programming to the needs of their communities.

over the course of the summer, we are partnering with the civic design center to host a series of online and in person conversations to hear from community members like you about what you feel a center for us and by us needs to include. this is your opportunity to help define and design future space, programming and more. stay connected with us following us on social media and our email list to learn more!